Revco Doubles Rules


  1. Player substitutions are allowed using listed, designated subs only to be counted for record. Non-designated subs can play, but games will not be recorded.

  2. Women’s net height.

  3. Only Women can block on the net.

  4. Men cannot hit in front of the 10’ line. In front of the 10’ line, their hand cannot go above the tape.

  5. Let Serves are a loss of point.

  6. Scoring is side-out to 11.

  7. Net touches are loss of point.

  8. No open-hand "tips"

  9. No open hand receive unless it’s a hard driven ball.

  10. A hard-driven ball (downward trajectory) may be defensively played in any manner, as long as the action is not a lift (i.e. double hits allowed, including actions with open hands/fingers).

  11. Players' shoulders must be "square" with ball when "pushing" the ball over with open hands/fingers (forward or backward motion). Ball cannot be a double hit.

  12. Poor conduct, such as repeated arguing of calls, foul language, verbal abuse, or physical abuse will not be tolerated and will result in forfeiture of set or match or ejection from the league.